Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It has happened all over again , very sad indeed. In the match at the EURO 2012 between England and Ukraine, England were leading through the headed goal of Wayne Rooney. As the main striker for Ukraine Andrei Shevchenko,was still suffering from a knee problem, Marko Devic took his place. And he scored a very clean goal, the entire ball crossed the goal line. According to F.I.F.A rules , the entire ball must cross the line. Here John Terry then cleared the ball after it crossed the line in the 62 nd minute. But shame oh shame on U.E.F.A and it blind good for nothing referee, the goal was not given. Mind you in the new rules a referee stands behind the goal just in case of such big blunders.Replay clearly shows the ball crossed the line. England got all three points , these cheats had no sporting spirit to say that it was not a goal. Now goal line technology must come as soon as possible. And yes Michel Platini must resign as president of U.E.F.A. England must remember how they felt in the 2010 world cup when the Frank Lampard goal was not given verses Germany. Mind you U.E.F.A have had five referees on the pitch , just to prevent a thing like this happening. So it is clear all the referees will agree with the main one, even if it is wrong. Michel Platini says goal line technology will not be allowed , as it will be a play station then. Then continue with these blunders and points being stolen by U.E.F.A, who else. It is a absolute shame and disgrace to football. Has the referee been told to pack his bags and leave the Euro cup? In the 2010 world cup seven referees and linesmen were sent home from South Africa.

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