Saturday, July 28, 2012


Andreiy Shevchenko , the striker from Ukraine has finally decided to retire from football at the age of 35 years. He had a very good football career, he started with Diamonov Kiev and then moved to A.C. Milan in Italy, where he was a instant hit, he was a natural goal scorer. The Russian Roman Abrahomovic the owner of Chelsea, got him to the club at a huge price, very much against the wishes of Jose Mourinho. But sadly he was a flop at Chelsea and scored only nine goals in his short stat at Chelsea. He then moved to his old club in Kiev. He will be remembered beside his time at A.C.Milan , also the F.i.F.A World Cup 2006. In that cup Ukraine became the first country ever to loose its first game to Spain , with a score of 4-0 and still reach the quarter finals. He now wants to enter politics, but he has not said which party he will join , or if he will start his own party.

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