Wednesday, July 25, 2012


It looks more likely now that the Uruguayan striker Edison Cavani could very well leave his Italian club Napoli , and move to a club in England. The wife of Edison Cavani was mugged in Naples , as she was getting into her car, two men robbed her of her Piguet watch costing 14,500 pounds.She was greatly shaken over it.And this is not the first time either recently their mansion was burgled. As he said such things happen but it is to often now.As the Argentinean , Lavezzi was also mugged and now plays for P.S.G, Maran Hamsik was also mugged. But what makes move look it is to the E.P.L , is because Edison Cavani is in England for the Olympics , but his wife slipped through the crowd at Naples airport to get here. Now let the bidding start.

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