Monday, August 27, 2012


This summer Arsenal sold their Dutch striker Robin Van Persie to Manchester United , for 24 million pounds, not bad deal for a 29 year old player, got from Feynoord for 2.75 million pounds, good profit. Arsenal make profit, not like Manchester City who paid Arsenal 25 million pounds for Emmanuel Adebay, and then sold him to Tottenham Hotspurs for five million, City will also pay 90,000 pounds weekly to Adebayor as weekly salary, Spurs pay 80,000 pounds. But now Arsenal have got just two points from two games, and fans are already after the players and manager. But Real Madrid have got just one point in two games, these things happen in the early season as the new players need to gel together it takes six weeks to two months to understand each other. Arsenal and Real Madrid fans must be patient as language is a problem as well.

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