Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The question of Arsenal being a feeder club is not true , it is these young players who want to go, and they are the culprits, Arsenal want let them go free so they make their money. Take Alexander Song for example he joined Arsenal at 17 years and stayed for seven years at Arsenal. He always said he wanted to be at Arsenal for life. But now he says Barcelona asked for him in june 2012. And he started being lazy on the pitch , he was late for training all tricks to get sold too Barcelona.And so he was. But Arsenal this year are better then last year with Robin Van Persie and Song. Song joins the rest to move from Arsenal to Barcelona, Theirry Henry, Giovani Bronchurst, Aleksander Hlep,Marc Overmars, Emmanuel Petit, Cesc Fabregas, Alexander Song and so on.

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