Thursday, September 27, 2012


The English F.A are absolute idiots. They have gone and banned John Terry for a total of four matches and fined him 220,000 pounds, that is a little over a weeks salary for Terry. The reason was because he racially abused Anton Ferdinand in the match verses Q.P.R which Chelsea lost . Now John Terry can appeal .Now the Question is will the ban come into affect after he fails that appeal, or will he play the game verses Arsenal? This verdict is not at all fair , please note I am not a John Terry fan. 1) Luis Suarez got eight match bann for racially abusing Patrice Evra in the game Liverpool verses Manchester United. 2) John Terry was declared not guilty by the jury and the court. How can a man be tried for the same crime twice and be found not guilty by a court, but guilty by the F.A.This is mocking the judicial system of the U.K, it is a shame. We must now lock up the courts all lawyers and judges should retire as the F.A is above the law here.What a farce. Did the F.A want the 200,000 pounds to build a office? Really disgusting.

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