Saturday, October 13, 2012


The Russian billionaire Roman Abrohimovic who owns the Chelsea football club ,has now gone and given the green signal to go and buy the Colombian striker Radamel Falcao Garcia , from the Spanish club Atletico Madrid. The Spanish club bought him from F.C.Porto in Portugal for 35 million pounds. Atletico Madrid needed him as a replacement for their Argentinean striker Sergio Aguero. Who was sold to Manchester City for 38 million pounds. Falcao is scoring sacks of goals in the lat two years. And he even scored the goals against Chelsea in the SUPER CUP. The match between the CHAMPION LEAGUE winner verses the EUROPA CUP Winner. When Fernando Torres was got for fifty million pounds from Liverpool , 46 million pounds for this classy striker would well be worth it.After all Torres scores goals in fits and starts.

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