Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Ashley Cole the Chelsea and England left back, has so far refused to sign a new contract, as Chelsea have followed Arsenal in the rule that a player once he reaches thirty years of age he will then get a one year deal only, but Cole wants two year deal. Carlo Anchelotti of P.S.G , and former Chelsea coach wanted him for a three year deal, but the plan failed as Leonardo did not show much interest in Cole. So it leaves Manchester United and Manchester City to buy him. But Manchester United do not have any funds for a player in the January window, so Luis nani and Javier Hernandez will be sold to generate funds. Even Real Madrid's Jose Morinho wants him to replace Sergi Ramos, after all it was Mourinho who got Ashley Cole to Chelsea from Arsenal. P.S.G were offering Ashley Cole 23 million pounds for three years.

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