Wednesday, October 17, 2012


At Belgrade in the under 21 world cup qualifiers to be held in 2013. England defeated Serbia 1-0.But it was to much to stomach for the Serbian fans. The black player Rose was racially abused by the Serb fans with monkey chants which was sickening. Serbia were fined over 16,000 pounds in 2007. But the scene turned ugly and a disgrace to football and U.E.F.A and F.I.F.A. Here the players attacked the English players and kicked them in the legs, even the assistant coach of England was kicked about by these Serbian animals. Now the Turkish referee knew nothing of the football rules, he even showed a red card to Rose for kicking the ball , after the final whistle. The referee should be kicked to Turkey and loose his licence , to make matters worse the security just sat and watched the players kicking the English team and staff.After all the English team were guests in Serbia, just shows how Serbia treat their guests utter disgrace and unpardonable. Will Michael Platini and Sep Blatter wake up from their slumber and act fast. The Serb football team and all Serb clubs should be banned for ten years and be fined one million pounds.As they were fined 16,000 pounds in 2007. And the Serbs are saying why should we say sorry, we did nothing wrong. Compared to the Serb footballers John Terry is very much a saint then.

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