Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Referee Mark Clattenburg very confidently states that the English F.A. will not take any action against him, in the John Obi Mikhail case. This is of course understood , as Mark Clatttenburg is employed by the F.A, so how can the F.A go against him, he is their employ after all. But Alex Ferguson supported Clattenburg from the moment on the pitch itself. No surprise here Clattenburg has gifted a few games to Manchester United, the goal not given when Pedro Mendez hit Roy Carroll in the chest and clearly went in over the line. In the Chelsea Manchester United match he showed Fernando Torres the second yellow card , followed by a red card, after Johnny Evans kicked Torres in the shin, so Evans who was on a yellow card should have got a red. Ferguson and other managers will always support the referees , or they will get a back lash from them. But one question I ask , Why is the F.A keeping Mark Clattenburg from refereeing a game for the third week running. So clearly something is wrong there can not be smoke without the fire.

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