Friday, November 16, 2012


In the sixteen years that Arsene Wenger has been manager at Arsenal, many fantastic players have joined the club and also many talented footballers have also slipped from being Arsenal players due to some reason or the other. The names that come to my mind are as followd. 1) Petr Cech. He was not taken as he could not get a work permit then. 2) Yaya Toure. He also did not get a work permit in England. 3) Cristiano Ronaldo. He had a trial at Arsenal, but joined Manchester United instead from Sporting Lisbon for 12.4 Million pounds. 4) Zalatan Ibrahimovic. He refused to take atrial at Arsenal, as he wanted to become a direct striker at Arsenal.But with four strikes already like Theirry Henry, Dennis Bergkamp, Sylvian Wiltord and Kanu. He then joined Ajax instead. May be missed , but rest is history.

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