Thursday, December 27, 2012


Alex Ferguson has escaped punishment of any kind from the English F.A. After the thrilling match between Manchester United and Newcastle United , it ended in 4-3 in favour of Manchester United. During the half time Ferguson was shouting at referee Mike Dean as well as the forth referee. You all should know by now Ferguson gets a advantage over the rest of the managers , again and again. And it looks like the head of the F.A. is a Manchester United chairman or so. If Arsene Wenger had shouted at the referee and the forth referee, you can very well be sure Wenger would have got a three match ban , and got a red card as well. The trouble was over Johnny Evans and his own goal. Arsene Wenger was once sent of the pitch by Mike Dean, for kicking a water bottle after Arsenal lost the match. You readers can now be the best judge.

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