Thursday, April 25, 2013


From the year 2004 Forbes has seen to the top ten football clubs. And from 2004 it was Manchester United that always lead the table. But this year the Spanish giants Real Madrid have taken the top spot.Even though Spain is on its knees economically 1) Real Madrid Spain. 2.18 Billion Pounds. 2)Manchester United. England. 2.09 Billion Pounds. 3) Barcelona. Spain. 1.72. Million Pounds. 4) Arsenal. England. 880 Million Pounds 5)Bayern Munich. Germany. 860 Million Pounds. 6) A.c. Milan. Italy. 634 .Million Pounds. 7) Chelsea. England. 595. Million Pounds. 8*Juventus. Italy 458. Million Pounds. 9) Manchester City. England. 455. Million Pounds. 10) Liverpool.. England. 430. Million Pounds. .

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