Monday, June 24, 2013


Chelsea have won a 300 million pound deal with Adidas, It is the highest in English football history.It will also make them less dependable on their Russian owner.
 Chelsea are keen now to splash out the money and get Edison Cavani from Napoli. They will be willing to pay the 54 million pound buy out clause of Edison Cavani.
 But now Manchester United  have come into the picture , by saying they are willing to pay 50 million pounds for the footballer, but the president of Napoli had made it very clear from the start that the buy out clause of 54 million must be paid in full..
 That is why Manchester City withdrew .
 Manchester United  are only doing some panic buying in case Wayne Rooney does leave, As Edison will equally ask for a huge weekly salary like Rooney.
Secondly all the shopping money  will go on one player, it is ridiculous.As they still have to replace Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs.

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