Monday, August 19, 2013


 Arsenal may have lost their  first match 3-1 , so what is to remember two goals were scored from penalties, so nothing to be ashamed of 37 matches are there to be played.
It is not true Arsenal did not make a effort to get a striker, hey did make a effort to buy Gonzalo Higuain ., Luis Suarez, Wayne Rooney and even Michu for 25 million pounds.
 Swansea should sell Michu as they are getting  a 23 million pound profit, they may not get it next year, he may be a flop like Luka Modric, and Dimitrov Berbatov were , mind you they joined Real Madrid for 35 million pounds, and Manchester United for 30.73 million pounds
We must judge Arsene Wenger  at the end of the season or in December., he will get players in January for sure. And please it is not true clubs that spend big are successful clubs. Manchester City had 197 million pound loss in a year, this is not acceptable in football..
 And this is the year of FINANCIAL FAIR PLAY mind you

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