Friday, September 6, 2013


Now a days there are far to many footballers  playing both in England and  Italy as well.
 We see that so many players are injured , and mind you we are in the first month of the new football season..
 So managers like  Roy Hodgson and others are really worried.
There was a joke  that England will have to get a few players from the Wembley
 Marcello Lippi  the Italian manager of the 2006 world cup winning team and manager of Juventus for many years , says things are not at all good in Italy , far to many foreign footballers playing. Forbid it tat it would come to the stage some years ago , when the Italian manager had this problem  of a acute  shortage of real good footballers, and he had to take players of Italian origin from Sieira B and C as well..
 Can you expect them to win a Euro or World cup  with such players.

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