Thursday, June 5, 2014


Tottenham Hotspurs have offered 14 million pounds to Seville , for their left back Alberto Mareno. And along with the cash Tottenham Hotspurs will also give their striker Roberto Soldado on loan to Seville and a player as well etine Capoue. Robert Soldado joined Tottenham Hotspurs from Valencia for a huge amount of 26 million pounds, but he was a utter failure in the E.P.L scoring just two goals in the entire season, he was considered a prolific goal scorer, another case of playing in Spain and England are two very different things. But Alberto Mareno has just missed out in the 23 squad for Spain. But at the same time Chelsea and Liverpool are keen on Alberto Mareno as well.Chelsea want him to replace Ashley Cole who has now moved on at 33 years from Chelsea.

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