Monday, June 16, 2014


You must understand that Arsenal have strict rules, such as once a player is thirty years old he will get only a one year contract, no matter how good you are the great Dennis Bergkamp had to renew his contract each year.Players of today at 31 want a three year or two year contract, like Robert Pires and Bacray Sagna. Arsenal very rarely ign a player who has left the club the only example are Sol Cambell and matheu Flamini, both were signed free. Now Arsenal spent 42.5 million on Mesut Ozil, so is right to keep Mesut Ozil on the bench just because Fabregas is there.Arsenal will never spend 30 million pounds on a player with a repeated hamstring problem. Cesc Fabregas should have left Barcelona for Arsenal a year or two earlier.

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