Friday, June 6, 2014


The press are writing a lot a rubbish to fill their pages. For example one story travelling around the world , is that Arsene Wenger is to buy Iker Casillas.This could be very far from the truth, as Iker Casillas is 33 years old and Arsene Wenger never buys players in their thirties no matter how good they are, as they can get injuries to easily. The real person Arsene Wenger is looking at is the Colombian goalkeeper David Osipa. Here we must remember Arsene Wenger will not sign up any player like Brendon Rodgers has done. He will watch these players at the world cup and decide on their play only. Even a Italian striker from Napoli will be seen how he plays and how many goals he scores. And another thing we must know, Arsene Wenger does his work on buying players in confidence, it goes for a long time but it may be done on the last day of the transfer. For example the deels for Andrei Arshavin and Mesut Ozil , were all done on the last day and only a few hours were left for the transfer window to close. So expect buying after the world cup.

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