Wednesday, August 20, 2014


THE LA MASIA, orTHE CASTLE, this is the place where young talented boys come from all over the world to learn and play football the right way, and they enjoy themselves. They are often wisited by their senior players who have been promoted from here years ago, many of these kids are homesick and lonely language is a problem to, the seniors give gifts and make these youngsters feel more at home., and get tips on football as well. Lionel Messi has come from here as well with Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta and Victor Valdes Now five outstanding footballers from La Masia are on the verge of making it big at Barcelona. 1)Sergi Samper. Refered to as the new Xavi Hernandez because of his passing and controling skill. 2)Allen Hailovic . Called the Croation Messi. Because of his great goal scoring skill. 3)Alejandro Gremiddo.The youngest player to play for Barcelona BTeam at fifteen years. 4)Munir El Hadade the talented and speedy winger with ample strength as well. 5)Adam Trore the defender of class and great speed. So beside buying talented players they produce great players as well. Which club can boast of producing such stars at regular basis not many, now the clubs accademy have all but dried up, all the players are got for huge prices.

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