Sunday, August 10, 2014


Samir Nasri the French fotballer who plays for the English club Manchester City gets booed again in the Comunity Shileld match, and this will not be the last time he will get booed either. But why is he so hated at Arsenal? The reason is that all players like to earn better money, that is not wrong at all , but he should remember that nobody knew him till Arsene Wenger got him to Arsenal. He left Arsenal , just for the money, but he was not at all to the manager, players ,fans or staff when he left. He taunted Arsenal for nor winning any silverware for so many years, and he was leaving to win silverware.This has angred the fans for ever. But at the same time let us look at Bacray Sagna , when he left for Manchester City on a free transfer, he wrote a open letter to Arsenal managing board thanking them, the players and fans for the good years he has had at Arsenal. We can also take the case of Tomas Rosicky, he was injured for 18 months very badly, but he stayed with Arsenal, renewed his contract and is ever grateful to Arsenal as whole, this is called loyalty , which Nasri lacks. Now he is kicked out of the French team as well by Dider Deschamps, so he has retired early from international football.To make matters worse jis girlfriend wrote bad things of the French coach on Facebook, any chance for him to come back , never.good ridence Nasri.

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