Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The transfer deal for Mario Bolotelli from A.C.Milan to Liverpool has completely collapsed now. Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers has been casting his fishing net far and wide to find a striker of the class of Luis Suarez , a player who would score twenty goals each season. He was eyeing Mario Bolotelli , whose price had fallen sharply from 35 million pounds to about sixteen millin pounds, as both Italy and Mario Bolotelli both failed very badly at the 2014 world cup in Brazil. But money was not a problem here , the main problem here was that Liverpool very cunningly wanted to add a clause in the Mario Bolotelli transfer, and that was the, Liverpool would have the right to send Mario Bolotelli back to the San Siro in Milan. A.C.Milan was not going to agree to Mario Bolotelli making trouble at Liverpool, which was correct on the part of A.C.Milan. After all once mario Bolotelli was sold to Liverpool , he was a Liverpool problem.

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