Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Miraslav Klose the Polish born German footballer has retired after scoring a record sixteen world cup goals for Germany. He scored 5 goals in the 2002 world cup. he scored 5 goals in 2006 world cup , four goals in 2010 world cup and two goals in 2014 world cup.All these goals were scored from a distance of 12 yards o less. He traind as a carrpenter when he then moved to football at 20 years with Kalserslatern, playing lower German ligue football. Miraslav Kloseis the top German goal scorer, with 71 goals in 137 games. Miraslav Klose is the only player to play in four world cup semi finals ver. He is the only other player beside Pele, Uwe Seeler to play in four world cups and score in all four world cups.

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