Tuesday, September 16, 2014


The Bulgarian football club Lugogorets is a small Bulgarian club , just 13, thirteen years old. They play the mighty Liverpool club from England. Liverpol make their first appearence after a five year gap in the champion league. The costliest player in the Bulgarian club , was got for a small sum of 1.5 million pounds.Just imagine that and Mario Bolotelli price. The main reason for this club to be playing in the champion league is because of the heroics of their goalkeeper Cosmin Moti, great things are expected from Cosmin Moti in this match . And if this small Bulgarian club can even get a point , the Bulgarian people will party long and late into the night. The city has a population of 32,000 people only. They were promoted tothe top level three years ago in 2011.Since then they have won three titles , so you can expect a big surprise in the champion league match against Liverpool.

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