Thursday, December 25, 2014


Manchester City are indeed very keen to buy a striker, as all their main strikers are injured like Sergio Aguero, Steven Jovetic and Edin Dezko. Now Manuel Peligrini is keen to get the Croatian striker Mario Manzduzic from Atletico Madrid in Spain. City are in such a bad state that they will be using their midfielder James Milner as a make shift striker. But the big question is will Diego Simone and Atletico Madrid sell him, even if Manchester City are offering them thirty two million pounds for him. After all he was got to replace Diego Costa, who was sold to Chelsea for thirty two million pounds.And he has scored a lot of goals for Atletico Madrid this year. But the big truth hanging over the club is that they are in big debt roughly ninety million pounds, which forced them to sell a Diego Costa ans Philippe Luis to Chelsea in the summer.

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