Tuesday, January 6, 2015


The big question on everybody's mind now a days is why did Steven Gerrard leave Liverpool ? After all it was his boyhood club, and he was very proud of his achievements at the club.Yes only the E.P.L win was missing.And mind you he played over seven hundred games for Liverpool. But then why did he leave, even when Chelsea came knocking at his door in 2004 , after deep thought he flatly rejected Chelsea s offer. But the reason appears to be that Brendan Rodgers told Steven Gerrard that he would have to play as a part time player, and ths proud footballer was not having anything of that. Steven Gerrard THE CAPTAIN FANTASTIC OF LIVERPOOL , will no longer be there to save Liverpool's and Brendan Rodgers s skin, with Luis Suarez sold, and Daniel Sturridge always injured, dark and gloomy days stare at Liverpool and Brendan Rodgers.

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