Wednesday, February 11, 2015


The Tottenham Hotspurs have now got a big headache , as Emmanuel Adebayor refuses to join another club , as he wants the White Hart club to honour his contract which runs upto 2016. He is now getting a weekly salary of 105,000 pounds. In the summer both Stoke City, West Ham United and others came along for him, but he refused to budge from moving to another club. This is far from the Arsenal days of his, he went to Manchester City, hoping the grass was greener there, but from there he went to Real Madrid and now finally Tottenham Hotspurs. Now the club has a big problem as it is money being wasted , and they have just cleared out Esso Eukito . He is now not wanted or for the matter loved by his fans either, far away from his Arsenal days.

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