Monday, February 23, 2015


There is no doubt about it that Jose Mourinho is the biggest hypocrit in football these days. He made hell of a noise when the Burnley player Ashley Barnes stamped on the foot of Nemanja Matic, Nemanja Matic was shown a red card. He was saying it was not correct on the Burnley players part. But the straight red card shown to Nemanja Matic for retaliating means a three match ban according to the rules. He also mentioned the stamp by Diego Costa which saw him get a straight red card was to harsh., as football was a emotinal game. But let me take you back a year in a match played between Arsenal and Chelsea and in that match John Obi Mikel stamped the foot of Mikel Arteta, breaking that shin pad to many pieces. Jose Mourinho then told the people it alright football is a mans game you see. It looks like he has forgotten those wise words of his , THE BIG CRY BABY THAT HE IS. He called the Ashley Barnes tackle as a CRIMNAL TACKLE.

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