Sunday, February 22, 2015


It now appears that Manchester City want to get rid of Steven Jovetic , who joined Machester City from Italian side Fiorentina , for a huge twenty two million pounds. Now that manchester City have got the Ivory Coast striker Wilfred Bony for a sum of over twenty eight million pounds he is no longer wanted at the club. So Manchester City are trying to use Steven Jovetic as a bargaining pawn in the deal to get the French midfielder Paul Pogba from Juventus. But the French player is costing 75 million pounds now it could easily reach eighty million pounds in the summer. This teaches Steven Jovetic a lesson not to join big clubs for money , his friend Lucas Toni told him not to join Arsenal as it is a small club, but mind you it is on the top four clubs in the E.P.L and in the top ten richest clubs in Europe. Serves him right here, grass is not always green at City.

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