Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Pedro Rodroiguez the Barcelona winger is now saying that he is not at all happy at Barcelona, and clearly wants to make a move from Spain and Barcelona. The main reason is even though he has scored a total of twelve goals this season , even having not started in all those matches, he wished to start. He is now even finding it more and more difficult to get a starting space at Barcelona. The main reason being Luis Suarez has got back into form and is scoring goals at will now. So he has now decided to leave Spain and move to England , and play in the E.P. L. But which club could be his target of joining ? It is Arsenal as Arsene Wenger did try to buy him early on but then Barcelona were not at all keen to sell him, yes he will not be coming cheap for sure he will be costing Arsenal 26 million pounds, quite a lot you see. Pedro Rodriguez was a product of the Barcelona youth Academy caled THE LA MASIA< or THE CASTLE. It is also reported in THE METRO that the Italian club Inter Milan are also keen to buy Pedro Rodriguez , but Pedro says he is keen to move to the E.P.L.

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