Wednesday, June 10, 2015


The highly talented Swedish striker , who does not stay at a club for more then three years at the most, no matter how many trophies he has won at the club. The latest club was P.S.G who will be selling him soon. But let us see his wages of ninety million pounds he got at Europe. 1) Ajax. 2001/2004. 250,000 pounds. 2)Juventus. 2004/2006. 1.2 million pounds. 3)Inter Milan. 2006/2009. 8.2. Million/ 4)Barcelona 2007/2011. 9.6. Million pounds. 5)A.C. Milan. 2011/2012. 8 million pounds. P.s.g. 2012 tILL tODAY.12 MILLION POUNDS. Please note these are per anum only . The total is ninety million pounds.

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