Wednesday, July 22, 2015


According to THE DAILY MIRROR and THE METRO, both say Arsenal did not sign Morgan Schneiderlin or for the matter Kondogbia this summer season, as both were costing roughly twenty five million pounds each.. But the real reason Arsenal did not sign them up is because Arsenal were very keen to buy this Barcelona holding midfielder Sergi Samper, a product of THE LAS MASIA , Barcelona s youth academy. And this has been going on for a time nw, then Barcelona were punished by F.I.F.A , they can not buy or sell a player till 1/1 2016. And now Arsenal are willing to trigger his buy out clause of twelve million Euros far cheaper then the other holding midfielders. But mind you he is indeed very good. And Arsenal have a habit of buying young players from Barcelona, players such as Hector Bellerin, Cesc Fabregas, and Arsenal are known to sell Barcelona players as well Thierry Henry, Alexander Song. Now Arsene Wenger has dmanded that Sergi samper buy ot clause be paid, which is 8.4 million pounds. And Arsene wenger has proven in the past that he has a eye for young talent. Arsene Wenger wants Sergi Samper to replace the aging Mikel Arteta

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