Friday, July 31, 2015


Actually Arsenal were not the only club to buy Petr Cech from Chelsea, the other clubs interested in him were P.S.G , and Manchester United. With the David De Gea problem, these clubs knew he was not going to sit on the bench for another year, he wanted a move. And Petr Cech was offered a more then a hundred thousand pounds as a weekly salary by P.S.G, and he was also fluent in french. But what kept him from joining P.S.G was he did not want to relocate his family to France , after eleven years in England. So he chose Arsenal over Manchester United. Petr Cech made a very wise move he went straight to the Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich to get permission to leave Chelsea, Jose Mourinho would have flatly said a NO. After playing eleven years at Chelsea , Roman Abramovich gave his blessings and told Petr Cech he could join any club he wanted. So he joined Arsenal. Welcome to Arsenal Petr Cech. Actually Petr Cech would have settled well at P.S.G, as he is very fluent in french.

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