Friday, July 24, 2015


Arsenal are very keen on buying Sergi Samper, the holding midfielder at the Barcelona B. team. Now the Barcelona B team is demoted to the third division in Spain. In fact Sergi Samper had visited Arsenal in the year 2011 alongwith his father , and along with two other youngsters from Barcelona La Masia the Youth academy of Barcelona . The two youngsters Hector Bellerin and Jon Toral bothe decided to join Arsenal, and Arsenal are known to poach Barcelona youth. But Sergi Samper rejected the deal. Arsenal came lat year as well to be rejected again. But now things are very different as Sergi Busquets will remain in the Barcelona A team for a few more years, so Srgi Samper will not get a regular place he will now be willing to join Arsenal for the Arsenal club t pay the buy out clause of 12.4 million pounds. As many midfielders did not join Arsenal, this could be the buy for Arsenal.

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