Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Honestly is it ever possible that Arsenal's former captain Cesc Fabregas ever return to Arsenal as a player? Arsenal fans may not like this idea at all, but they should give it careful thought now. After all we must remember form of a player may dip now and then , but the class of a player is always permanent. Now with Santiago Cazorla out injured for a long period, he Cesc Fabregas would do a good job. And mind you Santiago Cazorla is now 31 years of age nearing the wrong side of thirty years I must say. It would really be a scaring combination of assists from these two Mesut Ozil and Cesc Fabregas would be just fantastic at Arsenal. If you look at Arsenal top assisting players Cesc Fabregas has been their top assisting player for Arsenal during his time at Arsenal for three seasons , only Dennis Bergkamp assists most for Arsenal in two years. But Arsenal normally do not rebuy a player they have sld , only Sol Capmbell was got again by Arsenal.

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