Saturday, December 19, 2015


The famous Dutch manager Guus Hiddink has now taken over as the manager at Chelsea , he will only be a interim manager at chelsea till the end of the season. He was the interim manager at Chelsea way back in the year 2009, and in that year he won the famous oldest cup in England the F.A.Cup then. He had taken over from the 2002 world cup winning manager Big Phil Scolari , the Brazilian manager, then Chelsea faced a similar problem as they are facing won now., and having their regular manager sacked. The very big question is if this Chelsea team now start winning matches than it looks like the players at Chelsea played badly on purpose to get Jose Mourinho sacked. As they can not buy any player till January next year so the few matches should be watched closely now and if Chelsea suddenly start winning than the English F.A must demote them to the next division, as Chelsea will be declared as cheatts.

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