Thursday, January 21, 2016


The welsh winger Gareth Bale , who was sold by Tottenham Hotspurs to the Spanish giants Real Madrid , it was then told to the world that Real Madrid ,president Florentino Perez was not at all honest where the figures were concerned. He did not tell the correct price which Real Madrid paid Tottenham Hotspurs , as he did not want to hurt the feelings of Cristiano Ronaldo , as well know that he has a big ego to match his big talent. The Florentino Perez told the Press that the price for Gareth Bale was 83 million pounds.The actual price was 85,131,147 million pounds or you can say a hundred million EUROS. Now Real Madrid had a choice of paying all the money in fifteen days or paying the amount in instalments. Real Madrid decided to pay it in instalments they will pay 759,417 pounds in four instalments to the date of 24/7/2018. Now that the truth has been told the agent of Gareth Bale Mr Barnett is hoping mad and wants a complete investigation into the leak of this sale deal, after all the truth heart's.

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