Saturday, June 10, 2017


At the end of the season football clubs are now rewarded by huge sums of money ,and each year the Television rights money is getting larger, so the footbball clubs are benifitting in a very rich way I must say. In England the Television money is equally devided between the 20, twenty clubs that played in the E.P.L that year, while it is not the same in Spain . In Spain the two Spanish giants Real Madrid and F.C.Barcelona are yearly paid a giants portion of the money in Spain,and the other eighteen clubs devide the rest of the money equally. Real Madrid won the Champion League for the year 2016/2017. But they collected a sum of 80, Eighty million pounds for winning the Champion League. While on the other hand the English Club Sunderland came right at the bottom of the table in the E.P.L nd were even relegated at the end of the season. But they , Sunderland collected a huge sum of 93, Ninetythree million pounds. This is really unfair to other clubs I must say.

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