Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Alex Oxlade Chamberlain who was about to join Chelsea from Arsenal for a sum of 35, thirty five million pounds. Now he was on the verge of joining up with Chelsea, but it now appears that this transfer will not go through. as there are only two days remaining of the transfer window reaming. Now Alex Oxlade Chamberlain wants to be sold to Liverpool instead, but this fool must realize that is he wanted by Liverpool now.? After all Liverpool trying to buy the French winger Thomas Lemar, and they have failed with a bid of 74, seventy four million pounds. So he better be careful as he could end up staying at Arsenal. He is just a greedy boy just like the English footballers over rated, over paid, over hyped as well. No wonder England never win the World cup. And ty will not wit for another century.. Alex Oxlade Chamberlain was told by Arsenal that they would increase his week salary from 60,000 to 180,000 ponds u a week which is tripling his weekly wages still he was not satisfied greedy boy.

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