Monday, August 28, 2017


The sporting director of Barcelona Mr Robert Fernandes has said that Barcelona will be signing some more players for sure, and there are talks going on. So it looks more likely that the two players who could be signing for Barcelona are the Brazilian Philippe Coutinho and the Argentinean winger Angel Di Maria. But the Angel Di Maria deal could only be done once Kylian Mbappe joins P.S.G from Monaco on a season long loan, with a chance to make the deal a permanent one for a total sum of 166, one hundred and sixty six million pounds Now Monaco have got a striker to replace Kylian Mbappe, and he is from Montenegro , and his me is Steve Jove tic, and he will wear the jersey number 10,ten at Monaco. Now Steven Jovetic played Italy with Florentina and Inter Milan, as well as Manchester City.

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