Thursday, August 24, 2017


Now Kylian Mbappe could be joining up with French club P.S.G for a price of 138, one hundred and thirty eight million pounds. Yes it is a huge amount to pay for a eighteen year old boy, a big risky gamble to take as well. But the question I ask here is will he succeed at P.S.G or not as you see he has scored a total of 15, fifteen goals in one season only, in fact to be honest here the last six months of the last season were very good for him. But will he do any justice to the price tag at P.S.G ,or will it be a millstone around his neck? we saw it with Fernando Torres , Andy Carrol and Radamel Falcao Garcia these three failed at their clubs. So will Kylian Mbappe be just as good as the following players. 1) Ronaldo at seventeen years with P.S.V. Eindhoven . 2) Michael Owen at seventeen years with Liverpool. 3) Cristiano Ronaldo at eighteen years with Manchester United. 4) Lionel Messi at seventeen with Barcelona. One thing is clear here the club must not say he is young give him another year or two to shine. One thing is clear here if he shines at eighteen years at P.S.G, he will shine or e will not shine at all. One question I ask is will he Kylian Mbappe ever score 90, ninety goals in a season for P.S.G , Lionel Messi scored 91, ninety one goals for Barcelona in the year 2012.

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