Tuesday, December 5, 2017


This s horrible for Spanish football, Barcelona have been robed by the referee's and the linesman for the second time in two weeks, first in the match with Valencia a clear Lionel Messi goal was disallowed even after it had crossed the line , there are pictures to prove it. And in the next game Luis Suarez was judged offside and the goal did not stand , but replays clearly show it was not a offside call.. This clearly means and it is really disgusting that he Linesmen and the referees in Spain do not want Barcelona to win the Spanish title for sure, they want real Madrid to win the title , disgusting and unpardonable I would say. Goal line technology should have come into affect much earlier , now F.I.F.A have put a chip in the ball now so now if the entire ball crosses the line a signal is sent to the referee's watch and the word goal appears on the watch. But let me remind you that last year also Barcelona suffered at the hands of these blind bats called referees. F.I.F.A and U.E.F.A should take strict action and ban these linesmen and referees for life, but this day will never come in football as both the linesmen and the referees are both employees of U.E.F.A and F.I.F.A. So legally speaking the Barcelona lead over Real Madrid should be twelve points not eight points. They only want Real Madrid to win the title.

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