Saturday, December 16, 2017


The Brazilian striker Neymar , who is playing his club football in France with P.S.G. Now he joined P.S.G just because of the money only , he is getting a daily salary of hundred thousand pounds, or 32.9 thirty two point nine million pounds a year, and he was promised to be the poster boy of the 2022 world cup in Qatar, as P.S.G is owned by the Qataris. But that dream soon turned sour with fights on the pitch with Edison Cavani. But it looks like he did not enjoy the French night life, compared to the sunny Spain and the Spanish night life. The other day Neymar senior the father of Neymar junior , who is the son's agent as well had a dinner in Madrid with the president of Real Madrid Florentino Perez. It now appears that tat Real Madrid are willing to buy Neymar in the summer of 2019, but Neymar wants to leave P.S.G in the summer of 2018. The price was roughly discussed which was quoted by THE SUN , as 250 , million EUROS or 220 million Pounds. Florentino Perez is keen to buy Neymar with the idea of getting a striker to replace Cristiano Ronaldo, who ha a contract till 2021. Will P.S.G. agree to sell Neymar well before the 2022 world cup I Qatar is to be seen now, after all P.S.G have paid big money to buy him and hs yearly salary is very huge.

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