Friday, January 26, 2018


The Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez who moved from Arsenal to Manchester United in this January transfer window is a absolute mercenary. When he was at Arsenal he wanted to get a weekly salary of over 400,000 four hundred thousand pounds, but Arsenal would never ever pay any player that much money. In the summer transfer window last year Alexis Sanchez had all praise and claimed then that Pep Guardiola was the best manager and Manchester City was the best club for him. But the sale of Alexis Sanchez collapsed on the last day as Thomas Lemar failed to join Arsenal, Manchester City then offered 60, sixty million pounds for Alexis Sanchez. Now he has joined Manchester United instead and shamelessly says he joined Manchester United , not for the money but for the club having Jose Mourinho, the best manager. Now he is getting a weekly salary of 450,000 four hundred and fifty thousand pounds after tax deduction. To do any justice to his salary he must score a hat trick in every match, and score a hundred goals in a single season , here I am not talking of 25 or 30 goals in a single season, failing to do this he is then shamelessly milking Manchester United. I would also like to warn the fans that if Alexis Sanchez does get a long time injury the it will be a big loss to Manchester United, the goals want come to reach a hundred goals in a season. Where injury is concerned we saw what happened to Zlatan Ibrahimović last year. as I always say no footballer should be getting more money yearly as salary compared to the manager, otherwise what is the purpose of having a manager then.

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