Thursday, January 25, 2018


The Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez, is now caught in a doping storm. But it is not very clear who is at fault here is it Alexis Sanchez, Arsenal or Manchester United ? It is reported in THE DAILY MAIL, that when the anti doping staff came to test Alexis Sanchez, the Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez was not at all present at Arsenal, instead he was in Manchester putting the final things for his transfer from Arsenal to Manchester United. Now according to the F.A. the footballers are supposed to inform the anti doping office where . they would be on that particular day. If found guilty Alexis Sanchez could get a ban to upto two years from all football activities. Once Rio Ferdinand missed a doping test, as he said he had lost his grand mother but photograph showed he was in a mall, so Rio Ferdinand got a eight month ban from football.

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