Monday, January 22, 2018


The Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez who played in Italy with Udanise as well as in Spain with the Spanish giants Barcelona, and finally with Arsenal, before being sold to Manchester United. The price will be roughly 35, thirty five million pounds. His agent will get a clear fifteen million pounds. And Arsenal paid Barcelona a sum of 35, thirty five million pounds. But what I would like football fans to understand here that Arsenal and Manchester United, made a sale deal for Alexis Sanchez, and the Armenian footballer Henrik Markitharyan, has now joined Arsenal on a free transfer. It is also reported In THE METRO, that Alexis Sanchez will be getting a weekly salary of 500,000, five hundred thousand pounds a week, after tax deduction. Now what I want to say here is that if any club in the world is crazy enough to pay a footballer anything above 300,000, three hundred thousand pounds, then the player must score a total of a hat trick in every match or at least a hundred goals in a season, to do any justice for that huge salary, failing to do this then the footballer is royally milking the club. And the most goals ever scored in a single season is 92, ninety two goals by Lionel Messi for Barcelona in the year 2012. Now who is more happier with this deal Arsene wenger or Jose Mourinho ? And he answer is definitely Arsenal and Arsene wenger, they got the money they paid Barcelona, and have a free footballer as well., so Arsenal and Wenger are laughing all the way to the bank, the special one is defeated here for sure. Mind you Manchester United are paying Alexis Sanchez , who is near 30, thirty years 450,000, four hundred and fifty thousand pounds, now the club will face big troublelater on.

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