Tuesday, January 23, 2018


The president of Real Madrid, Florentino Perez, has now come forward and ha for the first time fixed a price on the sale of Cristiano Ronaldo, mind you according to the Spanish employment law every employee law has a buy out price on his or her head. And Real Madrid had then fixed the buy out clause on Cristiano Ronaldo's last contract at a very huge and very unrealistic figure of a one Billion Euros. Now just imagine that a footballer who will be 33, thirty three years old and who is now very much in decline scoring four or five goals in Spin in the month of January . But now Florentino Perez knows it very well that no club in the big wide world will be ready to pay this sort of crazy money, so he has now brought it down to 88, eighty eight million pounds, e has offered to take a ten percent cut from the one Billion Pounds . But they will struggle to find a buyer for him for sure. As only two clubs have the money to buy him Manchester United and P.S.G .But will Manchester United hae spent on buying Alexis Sanchez , and he has a weekly salary of 450,000 pounds. And P.S.G have Neymar and kylian Mbape.

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