Monday, March 26, 2018


Arsenal were originally planning to sell their Egyptian midfielder Mohammed Elneny, who had joined Arsenal in the year 201 from Basel . But Arsenal have had second thoughts about selling the Egyptian in the summer. The reason being Jack Wilshire was not willing to take a cut in his weekly salary, he was formerly getting a weekly salary of 110,000 one hundred and ten thousand pounds. Arsenal were willing to give Jack Wilshire a weekly salary of 90.000 ninety thousand pounds. Arsenal are also ready to give him money according to his performance on the pitch, that is according to the number of games played and goals scored a well as a bonus. But Jack Wilshire flatly rejected the offer, and he has been told to find a new club, he is now out injured.. And the Welsh midfielder Aaron Ramsey also has not signed a new contract , and Manchester United want to buy him for 35, thirty five million pounds. So this is why Mohammed Elneny is not being sold by Arsenal.

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