Friday, March 23, 2018


This Romanian striker Adrien Muttu who was a very good and highly talented striker, he played for Pharma , with Adriano as his strike partner. At Inter Milan he had the Brazilian striker Ronaldo as his strike partner. At Juventus he had the big Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimović, as his strike partner. He finally played for Chelsea and had Didier Drogba as his strike partner. At Fiorentina he had Lucas Toni as partner. He had played for big clubs with big footballers playing in his team as well. But it was at Chelsea that his wheels of his car really rolled out. He was guilty of cocaine doping and was fined by F.I.F.A a huge sum of 17, seventeen million Euros. This is the highest rated fine by F.I.FA for any player or any club as well. He was banned from the Romanian team as he preferred to spend the night out with his friends for a late party, instead of playing a friendly match for Romania, he then failed a second drug test and it was curtains on his football career. Adrian Muttu took exactly eight minutes to score his first goal in Italy for Inter Milan against A.C. Milan. Mind you it was the glory days or both A.C.Milan and Inter Milan then. Even the great Italian striker Francesco Totti was ready to pay one million pounds from his own pocket so that A.S.Roma could buy him . Oh what a sad waste of a huge talent.

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