Monday, April 16, 2018


The Champions of England Manchester City could be in very hot water and could easily face a two window transfer ban. The case is being heard by the Court Of Arbitration For Sport, who are du to give their ruling in a weeks time. The case is Manchester City signing a Argentinean teenager called Benjamin Garre , who is now sixteen years old. But as he is holding a Italian passport, and F.I.F.A rules clearly say that a sixteen year old boy can be contacted and join from one European club to another European club. But in this case the club which Benjamin Garre came from was a club from South America, Argentina. But the small club in Argentina have said in the case that Manchester City approached the Argentinean club much earlier and at that time Benjamin Garre was fifteen years old, and this is breeching F.I.F.A. rules. Recently Spanish giants Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid , all faced the wrath of F.I.F.A for breaking tis rule. F.I.F.A are very strict on this rule as they want to protect the young boys and girls, from both wrongly trafficking as well as young children getting homesick in far away countries. F.I.F.A rules say that if the child is fifteen years old then the family must move to the country where the club is and the club must provide jobs for the parets , and they must live a certain distance from the club. But one thing is clear if Manchester City are banned from buying players then Liverpool and Manchester United and Chelsea will buy big players.

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